Many years ago I sat down with someone I admire and did the whole Pursuit of Happiness thing. I asked him to tell me his story and how he became so successful. He had grown up from very humble beginning to now what I can only phantom would give Oprah's bank statements a run for their money... He shared his childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, schooling, first job to that present day, and told me how he got from 8 ppl living in a 2 bedroom house in rural Ohio to personally owning 6 houses across the globe. I listened intently and was inspired by how he was able to remain so modest and humble in the face of great success. I took notes, physically and mentally, I absorbed all I could from what he was saying because he was/is where I want to be... successful to the point I never had/have to worry about the care of my family.

We finished up our lunch and he stopped his story, looked me dead in the eye, took my hand then said flat out, "Gin, you will never be able to do what I have done the way I have done it. There is a major difference between you and I; I am most definitely motivated by money. At the end of the day I will do whatever needs to be done to make that dollar. You however are not and never will be motivated by money. In fact your whole reason for wanting to know how to make this wealth is the same reason you will never be able to obtain it as I have." I was taken back by what he just said but chose to finish listening. " You want to be able to make money in order to provide for those you love, not to just be successful. Therefore based on that and what I know about you I can say you are not money motivated but people motivated. You are motivated by what you can do for or to help others. So when, and only when you can figure out how to turn a life of service into dollar signs then you will turn your life from charity work into a living. What you are doing now is not wrong, but your talents and time are worth money. Figure out how to bill for them and the rest will come easy."

This conversation has stuck clearly with me. I am working now more so than ever to figure out the answer to the puzzle he presented me with. I know there is a reason behind this drive and fire I have. I know it goes deeper than what and where I have dedicated my time and efforts so far in life. I will get there, I know life has posted obstacles, challenges, detours, and mirages and I have moved through and past most of them. I am almost there I can feel it and I want to thank everyone who has touched my heart, inspired my soul, or refreshed my view over the years... when I get there it will all be for you as much as it is/was for me. See you at the finish, or will that be the beginning?
